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[3116] eFsjUzzBTvLUWmGzPV  投稿者: Kimberly 2022年06月28日(Tue) 15時20分33秒 返信
Photography nexium 400 mg Finest news of the week? According to reports, Eidos Montreal has confirmed that there's a next-gen Deus Ex in the works. Deus Ex: Human Revolution, a current-gen title, was a tremendous role-player, and one of the few games where you truly felt in complete control of the world's fate . . . Double Fine's The Cave just hit iOS. It was a bit clunky on consoles, and it's not for everyone, but there's definitely some appeal here . . . A cool little puzzler on iOS in Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign, although as usual, the freemium model rears its ugly head . . . If you haven't jumped in on Xbox's Games with Gold promotion, you owe it to yourself to do so now. The current giveaway is Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes, a solid title . . . And on another note about Microsoft giving stuff away for free, Live Gold costs you nothing this weekend . . .